

I wanted to get this site actually up and online as quick as possible. I know it is not in great shape, I will be working on it as I get more time. I don't have much time right now, school is being a big pain in the rear. I am unable to run this site off of my server for some strange reason, I think that the school is blocking out all incoming requests to virtual IP's. Because of this I had to change from a PHP navigational system to a SSI navigational system. This is a pain right now. But there is not much I can do about it. The free servers out there do not support PHP, and I am not interested in paying for hosting when I have a perfectly good server sitting right in front of me. I will continue to work on these issues. I also have to work on some NS compatability issues, these will be ironed out shortly as well!

Be patient this site will be back up and running in its full grandure very shortly! Stay with me and I am sure that you will have a good trip!

  • Recreate missing web pages[SOME DONE]
  • Do more examples
  • Code a forum
  • Code the database
  • Run spellchecker on the site

As always give me your comments on the site's look(CurranBoy@Hotmail.com). I am looking to program a forum for the site soon, that will be a nice new addition.

If you are looking for some fun check out the links section, it is now up and running. I have gotten some more of the site online.
